My ICT Project Implementation Experienced
1.) The factors that I need to consider in creating an ICT project are:
• Conceptualizing my project.
• Investigating the available data on your topic
• Setting deadlines and meetings
• Assigning people to various tasks
• Finding a web or blog host
• Creating a site map for my website.
• I am listing down all the applications that I need, including web apps.
• Funding
2.) In the developed world, information and communication technology (ICT) offers a vast possibility to bring about significant and long-lasting societal change. The fast adoption of mobile technology, in particular, has had a tremendous impact on the lives of the vulnerable in both rural and urban areas. All data shows that this pattern will continue, as supply increases and access costs continue to decrease.
This tremendous potential and opportunity, however, comes with major obstacles and potential risks. Viruses, Internet signal problems, slow computer speeds, lack of Internet access, lack of technical help, and PCs in poor functioning condition were among the other issues that I experienced while doing my ICT Project.
3.) I Have a call to action on every page. A call to action should not be limited to the homepage or landing page. On each page of my website, there should be a call to action that directs the user to it. When a visitor comes to a halt, they will walk away without hearing my call to action. The call to action for each tab does not have to be the same. Instead, I should take modest steps to get the user to the desired outcome. To complete the contact, use CTAs on a vein that is similar. What's the next step for that Facebook post, email, or an Adwords ad? People, say something with a call to action!
4.) I will rate my knowledge in creating an ICT Project an 7/10 because my knowledge wasn't enough so I surfed on the internet to help me do it.
5). To be honest, I'd give myself a 7 out of 10. Not great, but not terrible. It's a perfect way to start for someone like me who is new to the process.
6.) In several areas, I am lacking in understanding, and I am aware that my results are not ideal. That does not, however, imply that I am truly horrible. I put in a lot of effort to improve myself, and I'm convinced that I can get even better in the future.
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